toast champignon

toast champignon

ingredients - info Parisian mushrooms shallot cream Worcestershire sauce garlic
Fry crushed garlic cloves in olive oil with sliced mushrooms and chopped shallot. Season with pepper and salt. Deglaze with Cognac and cream. Add a dash of cooked vegetable stock and Worcestershire sauce. Thicken with flour dissolved in water. Toast the bread. Spoon a generous spoonful of sauce on the toast and finish with some chopped parsley.
olive oil vegetable stock bread plain flour Cognac parsley Pepper and salt
Creative Cooking
Belgian Cuisine

taste and tradition

the fiery passion
ingredients - info Parisian mushrooms shallot cream Worcestershire sauce garlic
Fry crushed garlic cloves in olive oil with sliced mushrooms and chopped shallot. Season with pepper and salt. Deglaze with Cognac and cream. Add a dash of cooked vegetable stock and Worcestershire sauce. Thicken with flour dissolved in water. Toast the bread. Spoon a generous spoonful of sauce on the toast and finish with some chopped parsley.
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toast champignon

Directions Ingredients
olive oil vegetable stock bread plain flour Cognac parsley Pepper and salt
Belgian Cuisine

taste and tradition

Creative Cooking
the fiery passion