chestnut mousse with chocolate cream

chestnut mousse with chocolate cream

ingredients - info precooked chestnuts Bailey's liqueur vanilla sugar dark chocolate
Warm the peeled and precooked chestnuts for a moment, mash them with Bailey's liqueur and a sachet of vanilla sugar until they are a smooth but solid mass. Pour the preparation into coupes. Melt the chocolate au bain marie with a dash of hot strong coffee. Leave to cool down to lukewarm. Whip the cream. Mix carefully with the chocolate to a smooth cream. Spoon the chocolate cream onto the chestnut mousse. Just before serving, choose whether or not to add a scoop of chocolate ice cream and whipped cream. Decorate with chocolate flakes, icing sugar, cinnamon powder and a crumbled chestnut.
coffee cream icing sugar cinnamon powder option: chocolate ice cream
Creative Cooking
Belgian Cuisine

taste and tradition

the fiery passion
ingredients - info precooked chestnuts Bailey's liqueur vanilla sugar dark chocolate
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chestnut mousse

with chocolate


Ingredients Directions
coffee cream icing sugar cinnamon powder option: chocolate ice cream
Warm the peeled and precooked chestnuts for a moment, mash them with Bailey's liqueur and a sachet of vanilla sugar until they are a smooth but solid mass. Pour the preparation into coupes. Melt the chocolate au bain marie with a dash of hot strong coffee. Leave to cool down to lukewarm. Whip the cream. Mix carefully with the chocolate to a smooth cream. Spoon the chocolate cream onto the chestnut mousse. Just before serving, choose whether or not to add a scoop of chocolate ice cream and whipped cream. Decorate with chocolate flakes, icing sugar, cinnamon powder and a crumbled chestnut.
Belgian Cuisine

taste and tradition

Creative Cooking
the fiery passion