open lasagna with salmon and pesto

open lasagna with salmon and pesto

ingredients - info lemon lasagne sheets cherry tomatoes spring onions red basil blood sorrel dill
parsley pepper and salt pine nuts garlic basil parmesan cheese olive oil fresh salmon white balsamic vinegar
Creative Cooking
Make a pesto. Toast a handful of pine nuts in a dry pan and put them in a mortar, along with a few crushed garlic cloves, fresh basil leaves and a few tablespoons of grated Parmesan. Add some olive oil and mash well. Marinate the salmon steaks for an hour in a marinade of white balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil. Keep the marinade. Preheat the oven to 185°C. Remove the salmon fillets from the marinade and place them in an oven dish greased with olive oil spray. Season with salt and pepper. Place the casserole in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the slices. For the last two minutes, put the oven grill on. Check the cooking and correct if necessary.
Boil the lasagna sheets. Spray a handful of cherry tomatoes with olive oil. Pop them in a hot grill pan. Cut a few spring onions in half, lengthwise, spray with olive oil and fry in a dry griddle pan until they get a grill pattern. Beat the marinade into a vinaigrette with an immersion blender. Warm up the pesto and the vinaigrette briefly, for example in the oven that will still be warm after the fish has been baked. On the dinner plate. Preheat the plates. Place an untidyly folded sheet of cooked lasagna on each plate, topped with some pesto. On top a piece of salmon, another spoonful of pesto and a few spring onions. Repeat with a new layer on top. Finish with a sheet of lasagna, pesto and grated Parmesan on top. Finish with the roasted tomatoes on the vine, red basil, blood sorrel, wild garlic, dill, parsley, skinned diced tomatoes, chopped spring onion greens and tufts of vinaigrette all around.
Belgian Cuisine

taste and tradition

the fiery passion
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open lasagna with

salmon and pesto

Belgian Cuisine

taste and tradition

Creative Cooking
Make a pesto. Toast a handful of pine nuts in a dry pan and put them in a mortar, along with a few crushed garlic cloves, fresh basil leaves and a few tablespoons of grated Parmesan. Add some olive oil and mash well. Marinate the salmon steaks for an hour in a marinade of white balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil. Keep the marinade. Preheat the oven to 185°C. Remove the salmon fillets from the marinade and place them in an oven dish greased with olive oil spray. Season with salt and pepper. Place the casserole in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the slices. For the last two minutes, put the oven grill on. Check the cooking and correct if necessary.
Boil the lasagna sheets. Spray a handful of cherry tomatoes with olive oil. Pop them in a hot grill pan. Cut a few spring onions in half, lengthwise, spray with olive oil and fry in a dry griddle pan until they get a grill pattern. Beat the marinade into a vinaigrette with an immersion blender. Warm up the pesto and the vinaigrette briefly, for example in the oven that will still be warm after the fish has been baked. On the dinner plate. Preheat the plates. Place an untidyly folded sheet of cooked lasagna on each plate, topped with some pesto. On top a piece of salmon, another spoonful of pesto and a few spring onions. Repeat with a new layer on top. Finish with a sheet of lasagna, pesto and grated Parmesan on top. Finish with the roasted tomatoes on the vine, red basil, blood sorrel, wild garlic, dill, parsley, skinned diced tomatoes, chopped spring onion greens and tufts of vinaigrette all around.
ingredients - info lemon lasagne sheets cherry tomatoes spring onions red basil blood sorrel dill
parsley pepper and salt pine nuts garlic basil parmesan cheese olive oil fresh salmon white balsamic vinegar
the fiery passion